Welcome to secure communication.
Counselling.cloud provides secure communication and file transfer for counsellors, their clients, and for other professional purposes.
Owned and administered by Clive Perraton Mountford, PhD, RCC, Registered MBCACP (Snr. Accredited), counselling.cloud was developed and is hosted by Hosting Systems Ltd. at Stoke-on-Trent, England and is physically located on a server at TelecityGroup's data centre in Manchester.
Using counselling.cloud, your messages and your files will be as secure as the log-on password you provide. So do choose a strong one. That way, only yourself and the person you are working with will have access to your data.
If you don't want to use counselling.cloud, do tell the person you are working with, and they will explore other possibilities for secure communication with you.
When you discontinue using counselling.cloud, and you are removed as a user, your messages and files will be deleted at the same time.